Author: Theresa Perez

Working From Home? Here Are 4 Tips to Help You Manage Your Weight Easily

Nowadays, we find ourselves in a time when a lot of companies are allowing their workers to work from home. Moreover, the emergence of online startups and social media pages,…

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A 5-Step Feng Shui Guide to Clean Your Wallet

Feng Shui is a Chinese technique of maintaining peace with our surroundings. According to it, we can relate to and celebrate both our outer and inner world by connecting to…

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5 Great Simple Food Substitutions to Make For a Healthy Eating

Eating healthy is in direct correlation to feeling healthy. Eating healthy is very important if you are working out. The amount of work the body does during a workout leads…

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How to Stay Physically and Mentally Healthy While Staying at Home

As the fatal Corona Virus wreaks havoc all over the world, and a worldwide lockdown has become clearly apparent and evident, it becomes necessary for all of us to take…

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