Skin Care


Rejuvenate Yourself with a Perfect Sunday Night Routine

  • Posted On September 23, 2022

Do you feel a sudden pang of anxiety the moment the sun sets on a Sunday evening? Do you procrastinate about your week and feel that you haven’t achieved anything at all? Well, these are what maximum people feel these days. But what if I tell you, that I have a unique solution to break this loop? Sundays are fun days as we know. To keep this spirit high, I can suggest you few easy-to-do stuff that will help you have a relaxing Sunday. Not just that, you can have a better week ahead as well. As impossible as it might sound now, read further to know how to achieve it.

  • Step 1: Take a Long Relaxing Shower

A good shower not only cleanses your body but your mind too. The healing power of water is amazing. Light up a few bath candles. Use your favorite bath gel, I prefer lavender scented gels. You can also take a bubble bath and can add bathing salts. The purpose of this bath is to rejuvenate yourself. Hot showers can be helpful too. But make sure you don’t rush.

  • Step 2: Pamper your Skin

After the bath, moisturize your skin. Use a skincare routine, which just doesn’t concern your face. I have a strict policy of moisturizing and toning the body with body butter. After that, I prefer using face musk that is relaxing. Remember, a good smell relaxes you. So, choose products that are organic yet have a good smell. This is where you can do a little pedicure and manicure too.

  • Step 3: Choose Relaxing Clothes

It is a common misconception to spend Sunday wearing old PJs. PJs work just fine, but fresh and comfortable clothes give you a cozy feeling. I prefer white cotton clothes, with simple designs or just solid. Also, choose washed pair of underwear. Fresh clothing gives you a fresh feeling.

  • Step 4: Prepare Comfort Food

If you are prone to outside food, then opt-out from take-outs or ordering today. I plan my meals on Sundays. I make a grocery list and then when they arrive, I cook my meal. The meal can be something exotic or something as simple as mac n cheese. I also make sure while I cook, I listen to my favorite music. Music releases the perfect amount of dopamine, which cures your stress. Soft music does the trick for me. You can choose yours too.

  • Step 5: Spend Time with Loved Ones

Since you do not need to rush on a Sunday, spend quality time with your loved ones. It can be a parent or your lover or if you live alone with a pet, spend time with them. Research shows that petting a dog increases the levels of the feel-good hormone – oxytocin. This reduces stress and anxiety. Also, quality time with your people helps you to have a better perspective of life as well.

  • Step 6: Plan your Week Ahead

Before the day end, plan your week. I prefer to make a list of all the important things I have to do the following week. I jot down important meetings, and deadlines and even schedule my appointments. Also, I plan my wardrobe too. I iron the clothes that I will wear the next day along with accessories. You too can plan this, instead of procrastinating it the next day.

  • Step 7: Get a Goodnight, Sleep

Make sure you don’t stay up late on Sunday. Proper sleep of 8 hours is essential. In your busy life, you definitely can’t manage your sleep schedule. So, make sure you sleep well on a Sunday night. Keeping scented candles in your room or adding an oil diffuser with dim lights is a perfect atmosphere that induces sleep.

These steps have helped me overcome my weekly anxieties. It also has reduced my stress. I also make sure that I have really less screen time on Sunday. This helps me throughout the week and has helped me to progress in my work life too. So, best of luck to you too!

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