Mental Health

emotional dependence

Are you emotionally dependent?

  • Posted On February 28, 2023

The psychological condition of emotional dependence is a condition that can manifest itself in relationships with people that involve an individual from the family as well as a romantic partner or an acquaintance. It is a problem that affects a lot of people, but most people are unaware of it. People who are emotionally dependent have an extreme lack of self-control, and feel immense discomfort when they’re away from the person they rely on. 


There are occasions of temporary emotional dependence typically, the person who is experiencing it will experience the same routine of emotional dependency throughout the course of their lifetime with their partner, as well as with family members or friends.

The psychological implications of being emotionally dependent can be varied and their impact varies based on the level of dependence and the traits of the individual. Many times, emotional dependent individuals are drawn to people who have domineering, possessive and authoritarian nature, creating a toxic relationship that is characterised by dominance. People who are emotionally dependent aren’t in a position to break up with a partner regardless of being marginalised, abused or abused.

Signs of emotional dependence

People who are emotionally dependent may come across certain patterns in their relationships:

  • They can’t bear to be isolated and the gap in physical distance or even emotional distance between their partner is an indication of anxiety and stress.
  • Because they fear being lonely, they will not let the relationship go even if it does not bring them joy.
  • The submissive relationship is with their spouse and they are unable to express their opinions, and they avoid arguments in order to not disturb their partner.
  • They are often viewed as insignificant compared to other people and feel

Diagnostics of emotional dependence

The majority of people suffering from emotional dependence do not know they have it, and may even be reluctant to acknowledge it when their loved ones notice it. It’s like other mental health conditions. It is a hidden illness that is hard to recognize because they lack physical signs.

Root causes of emotional dependence

People who suffer from emotional dependence tend to be people who have low self-esteem, a lot of fears and low confidence in themselves. There are also contributing aspects of their previous relationships and references they’ve encountered throughout their lives.

Is it possible to prevent it?

A healthy and balanced emotional state is a way to reduce this dependency on emotions. It is essential in early childhood and in adolescence (when you experience a huge amount of personal and emotional growth) to boost confidence in oneself, personal growth and confidence, and to conquer fears and complexes.
Let’s discover a few methods to overcome emotional dependency and remain emotionally strong:

  • In order to feel loved and valued an emotional connection to self is essential. Removing the thoughts or feelings you will leave a gap within. Getting to be your-self through a process of self-expression is the way you can build a connection with yourself.
  • Learn to express yourself with spontaneous writing or journaling, or recording your voice.
  • Self-connection lets you be self-centred and, when you are able to speak up, you will be able to manage your emotions more rationally, compassionately and flexibly.
In search of the treatment for Overcoming Emotional Dependency?

Contact TalktoAngel to make appointments with our psychologist or mental health expert. Does the word "emotional dependency" sound like something you’ve encountered yourself or with your partner in the relationship? Please do your best to answer this question honestly.

Therapy to treat emotional dependence
There are currently a variety of methods to treat emotional dependency that can be selected or combined based on the circumstance. The most effective treatments are:

  • Behan lungmet EMDR-Therapee (Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing). 
  • Clinical hypnosis
  • EFT (emotion-focused therapy)
  • Couples therapy
  • Personal growth therapy

The aim of therapy will be centred on helping the client acknowledge the problem, end any unhealthy relationship(s) which they are in and identify the root of this emotional dependency and then treat it so that they avoid repeating the same behaviour.

If you are searching for “top psychologist in India” connect with TalktoAngel an online counselling platform and connect with the best online counsellors and psychologist online.

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