
Five Common Workplace Challenges and how Mindfulness Can improve them

There is a reason why Gautama Buddha mentioned mindfulness as one of the eight paths towards achieving Enlightenment. Mindfulness is believed to be a very powerful retreat from tough challenges that we all face in our work-lives. This means being unable to carry out tasks or not being able to get things done on time. It also involves mental peace which allows us to assess situations in a much better manner.

In this blog, we shall be talking about five common challenges we face at work and how mindfulness can help us face them and improve them. All of us go through tough times in our daily lives of work and it does take a toll on our mental peace.

However, with the following situations and tips in mind, you will be able to better assess why it is happening and how you can take care of it.

Situation 1: A meeting turns into a heated debate and emotions are taking over

Response: Ask yourself what outcome you really want from the meeting. This will help you in channeling your energy towards the task at hand and will let you diffuse your excess temper or emotion that is coming in the way. A meeting is about utilizing your own mental energy and everyone else’s without the outbreak of emotions.

Situation: Distractions bar you from carrying out tasks

Response: This is a very common problem. However, when faced with a situation, ask yourself what is the most important thing you need to focus on at the moment. Once you figure that out, everything else will follow. A great way to create a deep focused mindset is to set a time frame for it. For example, make a 90-minute block in your work schedule and do not steer away from it.

Situation: A negative mindset can shut you down

Response: Rather than thinking about how it could have been better if you were doing something else, or how you cannot do it because you do not have a proper understanding of it, think about what you can learn from it. If you are the team leader, it becomes very important to make your group members understand what their strengths are and what the team can build as a whole. Most important of all, what can you show to others and leave behind for others to follow.

Situation: Taking over too much on yourself

Response: This is a situation that does not end well most of the time. Moreover, it also tends to ruin your relationship with your peers or team workers. While you may think that you can do it all by yourself, for others it is only an undermining statement of their abilities. This can affect your overall attitude and more than that, it can get you in the wrong even when you are not. So, when you are getting the urge that you can do as task all by yourself is ask yourself what you will really get out of it personally. Another thing to ask is what your problem is with sharing a task. And you will eventually realize that you are getting less overwhelmed and the team works better together.

Situation: Interrupting People

Response: This can be a habit and sometimes even unintended. However, if you assess yourself closely, you will be able to understand when you are having the urge of talking to the person who is next to you no matter what he or she is doing. Ask yourself what happens in your body the moment before you are going to interrupt someone. If you realize it, you will be able to ward the impulse off.

Keeping these 5 responses will help you have a mindfulness that will avoid the work-situations and lead to a better healthier workplace for you.

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